Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Though posts have been inconsistent. . .

Though my posts have been inconsistent, I think that for now it might be the best. Between college and work, I have little time to focus on what I want. Instead of promising that I will be posting more, I will say this: My writer's block will not be much of a problem anymore.

I am presently more concerned with my studies than with the upkeep of this blog. Because of this I will be posting fewer than 1- 2 times each month. If any of you wish to comment on what I have written thus far, then please send your comments via email.

I appreciate your support,

C. Olson

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Redo the entire book!?

Hello to casual readers and fans alike!

Lately, my ability to sympathize with my characters has become somewhat lacking. So as an individual with access to knowledgeable professors of English (in this particular case only one), I have asked for advice on my writing. I have not showed my professor my actual work up until now, but since she is familiar with my writing style, I suspect that she knows what she is saying. Despite my best efforts though, I have had a difficult time comprehending the entire meaning of her words "Start from the beginning, and then write without characters through to the end."

I understand the literal meaning, but the questions concerning my work seem to pile up in my head: what shall I do with the hundred or so pages of notes I have compiled for my first four chapters? will I be able to even use what I have decided was best so far? are my characters going to be the same if I rewrite everything? and if I do, will they develop the way I meant for them to?

These questions are some of the thoughts that ran through my mind after she gave her suggestion to restart. But would my restarting mean that my efforts thus far were for naught?

C. Olson

Monday, August 25, 2008

Conclusion to Writer's Block

Over the recent months, my posts and writing have slowed greatly. I originally wanted to have a post at least 3 times each week, but due to unforeseen complications I have not posted but 2 days each month for the past 3 months. About a week ago I realized exactly why I have not been able to write proficiently as I came to my fourth chapter: I do not know the feelings my characters would feel when entering a new and overwhelmingly extravagant building (castle in this case).

My solution to this problem is to find such a place and experience for myself what Maybell and Cindy might be feeling when entering the castle for their interview. Hopefully a brief glimpse into where ever I might find my inspiration is what I need and then I will get right to work once again.

Thanks for your support and encouragement!

C. Olson

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Lag (not just a gaming term)

It would seem that my energy that would have been used for writing and posting online, have instead been used for my performance in the workplace. I had hopes for a better pace to be had with my writing/posting, but I have very little to report. Unfortunately enough.

In light of the obvious disappointments, I have decided to reiterate my story for those of my readers who have yet to fully understand or piece together my story's plot:

The story starts with a man reminiscing a past he had long forgotten. We find him sharpening his axe blade meticulously, not paying any mind to the intense heat of the adjacent forge. He looks first to the wall across from where he sits and considers the time and sweat poured into each of the 30 weapons. Then he looks to the fire and while his focus is on the pit of the flame, he sees into his past. As the memories begin to come back to him, he cuts his finger while routinely checking the blade of the axe. He places the weapon back into its designated mount on the wall and is then later called by his Mistress, the Head Maid of the castle. Answering her call, he reluctantly follows her into the hallways to do her bidding.

Later on, two of the other characters* in the story, the sisters Cindy and Maybell, are introduced. After having fled from home to escape possible arranged marriages, the two young women took everything they had of worth and set out to find somewhere they could live how they wanted. After a week in a town that appeared easy enough to settle into, the girls began to look for work so they could live. The girls find are unable to find work after trudging through the town, until Maybell spots a man in the local tavern wearing livery on his upper arm. After a quick talk Maybell secures a job for them both as live-in maids at the man's castle outside of town. With excitement pulsing through their veins, the girls get into bed with anticipation as their only incentive. With Maybell fast asleep, Cindy looks out of the nearby window into the outskirts of the small city and up to the castle at the hill's peak. A shriek that sends a chill throughout her body fills the air, though only for a moment. Looking back to the castle, she questions her excitement of the day to come.

Thats the preview for now, please read my posts from the start to get better insight into the world I've started forming!

C. Olson

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Creative Juices Flowing?

Yesterday I had some small ideas for my novel, and thought I wouldn't have many more soon. But I had some specific ideas today after reading about Allies in The Writer's Journey and thought on the specific roles of my protagonists. Since the hero is most often the one who changes the most throughout the course of the story, I pondered on who would be my story's true hero/protagonist.

I show the world mostly through the eyes of the sisters Cindy and Maybell, but they are not the only ones to change. My unnamed character, a.k.a. the "Henchman", is also changed in his resolve to act on his desire for freedom from servitude. His fate in turn influences the girls and how they should handle their own family matters*.

Hopefully this means I am getting my mojo back, if you'd call it that. This recent slump of mine began around summer's start and since my classes are ending soon, this might mean that my lack of creativity lately could have been from my body's reaction to the summer season... This is only speculation, though not very convincing if you ask me : P

I thank any of my new and or faithful viewers from the beginning that may be reading my blog/story notes. Please continue to support me in the future as well!

C. Olson

* If you haven't caught onto the meaning, I am referring to the girls' parents and how they had wanted to set up arranged marriages. (Read past archives for more background information.)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Recent Decision on Character Flaws

Since I haven't been posting nearly as much as I have in the past, I have decided to try my hand at adding little pieces of information in my blog from time to time. I feel that this will keep you, my faithful viewers ' interest up rather than only having old archives to read.

After seeing a movie last night with some friends I had a small revelation of sorts. As I might have mentioned in earlier entries, each of my characters hold certain traits of myself as their dominant character traits. What I had decided on as a major character flaw for the 'Henchman' character (still without a name) was that he had pent up emotions harbored within. These feelings consist of anger, discontent, and a lack of security in unfamiliar situations. Since this particular character is one of the most important, I thought it best to give him the most troubling flaw. A strong hero must have a difficult decision to make in the story, or at least have internal blocks preventing him from acting on what has already been decided. Both of these lead to the character's growth, which is what partially defines a hero:

"... the character who changes the most in the story."
... this is regardless of whether the change is positive or negative.

C. Olson

Monday, June 23, 2008

Work, School, and balancing the ticket

For the past while, I have been unable to think creatively (as far as my story goes). I don't believe that this dry-spell has anything to do with my lack of imagination, but instead my unstable schedule. With work and school together it seems that most of my time is taken up leaving me tired and out of sorts. For those of you reading this who can relate, I sympathize. (How do you do it?!)
I have had jobs in the past, but none have given me so much mental strain and fatigue. I hope this doesn't seem like a complaint, rather it is meant to be my explanation for 1) not having written much for the past while, and 2) me convincing myself that work is to blame. Though both lead to my lack of endurance - mentally - I know that unless I can change these conditions soon, my ranting is meaningless. Any advice for time management is welcome!

C. Olson

P.S. - I hope for all of my faithful readers out there to continue to support me in my endeavors!